Monday, March 1, 2010

Blog chap 15,18,19,20

Chapter 15 in the Omnivore’s Dilemma is the beginning of Pollan’s hunter/gatherer food chain. This section consists of him making a meal completely off food he got from the wild. Pollan talks about how nowadays our hunting/gathering food chain is based less on survival and more on fun. Most people who go out and hunt don’t rely on getting that meat on their plate later that night.
Chapter 18 and 19 describe how Pollan actually goes about gathering his food. 18 is based on the hunting and 19 on gathering fungi. Pollan’s writing is really different in chapter 18, he was talking about hunting and then in the next paragraph he talked about how he is embarrassed about writing that. Pollan ends up shooting a wild pig with his friend Angelo. Angelo is a very helpful resource for Pollan because he teaches Pollan a lot about hunting and gathering. Pollan spends chapter 19 describing his adventures while hunting for mushrooms.
Chapter 20 is titled “The Perfect Meal”, which could be argued. This is only Pollan’s opinion because many people could argue that there are more perfect meals out there which include more nutritional value and vitimins. I think that it is impressive that Pollan was able to pull all this together with the veggies, fungi, and the wild pig. It would be a big achievement for someone to live completely off this food chain because it took Pollan months of preparation just for 1 meal. And to be able to do this 3 times a day every day would be impressive in my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. I liked that in your post you did not just focus your attention to one section or chapter of the reading, you gave a small review about it as a whole. Also, how you mentioned about gathering food in this way for each meal and how hard it would be three times a day.
