Monday, February 22, 2010

The OD 16/17

Chapter 16 in the Omnivore’s Dilemma is an expansion of Pollan’s idea of our problem with choosing what to eat. As omnivore’s we have such a wide variety of foods we choose today mostly from expert opinions or advertisements. He goes into detail about how our bodies are designed to be omnivorous, and a sort of overview of how our bodies work. I agree with Pollan that cooking is one of our biggest tools we have, but now the big food industry is slowly taking away our skills for cooking, by giving us pre cooked food that we just need to heat up. I think that cooking is a very important skill that you need to have to be healthy, so you aren’t constricted to the industrialized foods, so you can do some home cookin.
In chapter 17 titled “The Ethics of Eating Animals”, Pollan expresses his thoughts about humane ways for raising and slaughtering animals. He also talks about some animal rights organizations like PETA. I find it interesting how most of the domesticated animals today wouldn’t be able to survive in the wild (310). Most of this chapter is devoted to describing many cases of animal suffering like castration. For example how the animals recover so fast and reverting to their normal ways of life. I couldn’t imagine that happening to me and I would be changed forever.

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